Welcome to Doncaster Minster
The Minster Church of Saint George, Doncaster stands at the heart of the town of Doncaster, where a church has stood for over 8 centuries. The present church was built to the designs of George Gilbert Scott between 1854-1858, after the mediaeval church was destroyed by fire in 1853.
The Minster offers a wide range of Sunday and weekday services within the mainstream Anglican tradition drawing on a strong musical and choral tradition to enhance the worship. It also serves as the Civic Church for Doncaster and hosts many of the Civic Services for special occasions. In 2008 the Minster celebrated of the 150th Jubilee Anniversary of the present building and everyone joined together in a year of celebrations. Currently the building is undergoing major restoration - please assist us by making a contribution to our Minster Appeal.
Doncaster Minster is open throughout the week for tourists, educational visits, concerts, exhibitions, lectures, recitals and services and the site is a key part of Doncaster’s rich history and heritage and one of the town’s landmark buildings. It also offers a quiet oasis for prayer and meditation at the hub of the busy Doncaster town centre.
The Minster is currently raising funds to restore and repair this Grade One Listed Building. Please go to the Restoration Appeal page to help us raise the £6 Million needed to fund the Restoration programme. If you are a UK tax payer please consider enhancing your donation by Gift Aid, enabling us to reclaim the tax on the amount donated.
Who's Who
Vicar Revd David Stevens
Associate Clergy: The Venerable Robert Fitzharris
Archdeacon Emeritus
Director of Music: Mr Darren Williams
Fundraiser & Development Manager: Ms Louise O'Brien
Churchwarden: Ms Linda Orridge
Churchwarden: Mr Clive Howarth
Tel: (01302) 323748 Answerphone available; please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Email: office@www.doncasterminster.org.uk